Sometimes I wish there was an easy to use, thorough directory of farm stands...and then sometimes I'm appreciate the effort of finding new gems. Now I'm wondering if I can find my way to Five Acres this weekend...(I mean, I can FIND it. Fingers crossed I can find the time...)

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I hope you find your way this weekend!! :)

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Love everything about this, Chelsea! I’m so glad that book is resonating. Totally worth it even if it gave me slight existential dread while reading 😂 this trail looks delightful. I’m adding it to my ever growing list to check out!

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Loads of existential dread! Ha! I am really loving it and super appreciate the suggestion! And yes - the trail is totally worth the trip!

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Feb 10Liked by Chelsea Diehl

Wow thanks for this book recommendation -- juggling a home reno I am doing myself in large part with taking care of hubby and other house hours away and fulfilling client work obligations has made me weirdly anxious and demanding of myself. I want to procrastinate and blow off the day but that would mean working on a knitting or cooking project . . . yeah which is still creating something for use at a later time.

I was thinking it was just me at that stage of life but is sounds like you too identify as not just a do-oer but an accomplisher -- we could totally do pie and a water hike and write it off as future fodder for social media posting ✌❤💻

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Accomplishers unite! Thank you so much for sharing this. I think you are going to really love the book - it can be tough to swallow sometimes, but that's the point, of course. Let me know what you think after you check it out!

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